ILS London Evening Meeting: Schona Jolly KC, Cloisters

6:00pm Wednesday March 12 2025

Reflections on Race Equality in the UK: has the law delivered?

This meeting will take place on Wednesday 12 March 2025 at 6pm in the Council Chamber at The Law Society, 113 Chancery Lane, London, WC2A 1PL.

The talk will cover:

  • a short history of the development of race equality law in the UK;
  • practical matters to consider when bringing race discrimination claims;
  • reflections on how well the law has achieved its purpose

This is a hybrid meeting and will be streamed live, although it will NOT be recorded.

The session will be followed by a drinks reception for those attending in person, from about 7.30pm.

This event is free of charge to members. A nominal fee of £20 however is payable for non-members wishing to participate.  This sum is reduced to £10 for non-members who are unwaged or working full time in the voluntary sector.

To sign up (and to pay for the meeting if you are a non-member) please click on appropriate link below.

NOTE: Online payment must be made using a debit card.

In Person Attendance

Live Streamed  If you book to participate in the meeting by live stream then you will have access to the lecture but the technology will not permit us to enable your active, vocal participation in Q&A afterwards.